Up In Smoke; How to Smudge
“Simply put, sage clears bacteria in the air. Sage smoke offers rapid delivery to the brain and efficient absorption to the body. Scientists have observed that sage can clear up to 94 percent of airborne bacteria in a space and disinfect the air. When sage is burned, it releases negative ions, which is linked to putting people into a positive mood. The Latin word for sage salvia stems form the word heal. Other qualities believed to be associated with sage when burned are giving wisdom, clarity, and increasing spiritual awareness.”
“Before you light up, remember to open a door or window as the unwanted energy you are trying to clear must have a pathway to get out. Why do you need to do this? Let's take a lesson from eight-grade science class: Imagine that you took a bunch of chemical compounds and put them in a jar, sealed the lid, and shook the jar. You just created a chemical reaction, but the mixture has nowhere to go; so the jar could explode, crack, or not complete its chemical reaction because of the lack of oxygen, being compressed in a small space, and essentially not being able to change. I use this example with my clients all the time because this experiment is the same as opening the doors and windows in the space you are trying to clear. If you are trying to get someone’s toxic energy out of your house post-cocktail party, after an intense meeting in a conference room at work, or you feel like there is a spirit hanging around your space, that energy needs somewhere to go.
When I get called by a client to come in and clear a space and I hear them tell me they have been sageing and it seems like the paranormal activity in the house only got stronger after they saged, I immediately ask about the windows and doors. Rookie mistake! I also ask my clients, once they have the area ventilated and have lit the sage, to ask the unwanted energy to leave their space, in their mind’s eye as well as voicing out loud. What I have them say is ‘Any energy that is not of my highest and greatest good get the f**k out, with love, but you are not welcome to stay here. Please leave through the open window/door.’ ”
“Traditionally, people use an abalone shell to hold the sage in and then use a feather to fan and spread the smoke around the space when burning sage. If you are just getting into working with sage you can find sage kits easily online or in your local metaphysical shop. Abalone shells are great because of the shape, they are easy to hold when walking around the space, and they can take the heat created from the burning herbs. Remember, you are lighting something on fire so making sure you have the right container is important.”
“Once you're ready to light your sage, grab the sage as far from the end you are burning as possible. Hold the sage at a 45-degree angle, light the sage, let it burn for about 20 seconds and then gently blow out the flame so that you see orange embers on one end. Then you can start the process of clearing your space. Clients sometimes complain that they can’t get their sage to stay lit. If the sage bundle was packed too tight when made, then the oxygen can't get in properly and the sage won't stay lit. Loosen the ribbon around the sage and take the tip you are lighting and smash it on to a surface to give it a little breathing room. This helps to keep your sage smoking. If you also start to see the glow of the embers fading you can gently blow on the end that is lit up and remember to do this gently, otherwise you can send sage ash flying onto your outfit or carpet.”
"Sage spray is my favorite alternative when I am in a no-smoke zone. It’s easy to travel with and it smells great. I really like to use this spray when I am in hotels—think about how many people’s energy have been in just one hotel room. Eeek! My favorite one to use is Smudge Spray we make here at Boho Luxe Detroit and it’s a smoke-free mist. It has sage oil, crystal essences, and Palo Santo oil in it, which is also another plant that helps to clear a space. If you’re not into the smell of sage, you can also use Palo Santo, sweetgrass, and copal.”
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“Before you light up, remember to open a door or window as the unwanted energy you are trying to clear must have a pathway to get out. Why do you need to do this? Let's take a lesson from eight-grade science class: Imagine that you took a bunch of chemical compounds and put them in a jar, sealed the lid, and shook the jar. You just created a chemical reaction, but the mixture has nowhere to go; so the jar could explode, crack, or not complete its chemical reaction because of the lack of oxygen, being compressed in a small space, and essentially not being able to change. I use this example with my clients all the time because this experiment is the same as opening the doors and windows in the space you are trying to clear. If you are trying to get someone’s toxic energy out of your house post-cocktail party, after an intense meeting in a conference room at work, or you feel like there is a spirit hanging around your space, that energy needs somewhere to go.
When I get called by a client to come in and clear a space and I hear them tell me they have been sageing and it seems like the paranormal activity in the house only got stronger after they saged, I immediately ask about the windows and doors. Rookie mistake! I also ask my clients, once they have the area ventilated and have lit the sage, to ask the unwanted energy to leave their space, in their mind’s eye as well as voicing out loud. What I have them say is ‘Any energy that is not of my highest and greatest good get the f**k out, with love, but you are not welcome to stay here. Please leave through the open window/door.’ ”
“Traditionally, people use an abalone shell to hold the sage in and then use a feather to fan and spread the smoke around the space when burning sage. If you are just getting into working with sage you can find sage kits easily online or in your local metaphysical shop. Abalone shells are great because of the shape, they are easy to hold when walking around the space, and they can take the heat created from the burning herbs. Remember, you are lighting something on fire so making sure you have the right container is important.”
“Once you're ready to light your sage, grab the sage as far from the end you are burning as possible. Hold the sage at a 45-degree angle, light the sage, let it burn for about 20 seconds and then gently blow out the flame so that you see orange embers on one end. Then you can start the process of clearing your space. Clients sometimes complain that they can’t get their sage to stay lit. If the sage bundle was packed too tight when made, then the oxygen can't get in properly and the sage won't stay lit. Loosen the ribbon around the sage and take the tip you are lighting and smash it on to a surface to give it a little breathing room. This helps to keep your sage smoking. If you also start to see the glow of the embers fading you can gently blow on the end that is lit up and remember to do this gently, otherwise you can send sage ash flying onto your outfit or carpet.”
"Sage spray is my favorite alternative when I am in a no-smoke zone. It’s easy to travel with and it smells great. I really like to use this spray when I am in hotels—think about how many people’s energy have been in just one hotel room. Eeek! My favorite one to use is Smudge Spray we make here at Boho Luxe Detroit and it’s a smoke-free mist. It has sage oil, crystal essences, and Palo Santo oil in it, which is also another plant that helps to clear a space. If you’re not into the smell of sage, you can also use Palo Santo, sweetgrass, and copal.”

You’ll be posting loads of engaging content, so be sure to keep your blog organized with Categories that also allow visitors to explore more of what interests them.
Writing a blog is a great way to position yourself as an authority in your field and captivate your readers’ attention. Do you want to improve your site’s SEO ranking? Consider topics that focus on relevant keywords and relate back to your website or business. You can also add hashtags (#vacation #dream #summer) throughout your posts to reach more people, and help visitors search for relevant content.
Blogging gives your site a voice, so let your business’ personality shine through. Choose a great image to feature in your post or add a video for extra engagement. Are you ready to get started? Simply create a new post now.